
This is 6 cyl   

Distributor , push in leads 

Cap is suitable for Lucas 22/25D 6 cyl  type distributors 
Can replace screw in cap 

A little  more expensive than a standard rotor the AccuSpark red rotor comes with a number of benefits that we will guarantee for 3 years .

Originally developed and designed by Distributor Doctor the red rotor is modelled on a original Lucas design.

The red rotor features a  moulded brass inlay that does away with the troublesome rivet used on most versions which is a known weak spot, this can allow the spark to short down to the centre shaft in distributor .

Improved insulation properties make the rotor ideal for use with high voltage ignition systems. 

The revised spring clip on the underside, in conjunction with better internal tolerances, assure a really snug fit, even on old mountings.