Greer Garson & Laurence Olivier


Pride and Prejudice is a 1940's film adaption from Jane Austen's famous novel Pride & Prejudice.

Mrs Bennet (Mary Boland), with her begrudging assistance of her husband (Edmund Gwenn) begin to seek out suitable (and suitably wealthy) husbands for her five daughters. 
When the rich single gentlemen Mr Bingley (Bruce Lester) and Mr Darcy (Laurence Olivier) come to live nearby, the Bennets have high hopes. 

One of the least likely matrimonial prospects is Mr Darcy, a rich handsome, but cynical and boorish young man. Elizabeth Bennet (Greer Garson), the strongest-willed of the Bennet girls is immediately fascinated by him, and she sets about to land him, but only on her own terms, and only after she has exacted a bit of genteel revenge on his calculated indifference to her.  

Though Austen's novel was set in 1813, the year of its publication, the film version takes place in 1835, reportedly so as to take advantage of the more attractive costume design of that period.

Total running time: 117 minutes

It should be noted that this DVD is in black & white, is over 50 years old, and although the quality is very good, it is not up to today's high standards. It was also made for the older screens.
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