Sony MEAD-MS01 Memory Stick Media Adapter for XDCAM EX, Factory Refurbished

Factory refurbished, 30-day manufacturer warranty.

The MEAD-MS01, recommended for use only in emergency situations, allows users to use Memory Stick media for their XDCAM EX equiopment. This new adapter is fully compatible with Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo HX series, with the main limitation being normal speed and fast motion S&Q recording only. Slow motion S&Q recording is not recommended due to the speed limitation of Memory Stick media.


Remember: I'm not an expert on any subject. With regard to the equipment I sell, I am a full-time amateur and part-time idiot. My descriptions are simply accounts of my findings and observations while fumbling around with whatever contraption happens to come my way. They are not guarantees, warranties, endorsements, or Good Housekeeping Seals of Approval. Buy it or don't. Leave me out of the decision making process. A simple rule to follow on these auctions: Imagine that you're buying from an untrained monkey. With maybe better hygiene.

Please email any questions.

All equipment is entrusted to the smartest, most capable employee for testing. (OK, I work alone. Sue me.)

In most cases, I can ship as soon as payment is received.

As always, local pickups are welcome, at no charge!

Thanks for looking!