NEW, SEALED 1 oz. Bottle of 100% Pure Pink

Grapefruit essential oil. This quality essential oil

has an abundance of uses. A few are listed below.


This fresh, sweet citrus oil is cold-pressed from the peel of the grapefruit.

When diffused it has a cool, dry scent that is uplifting and reviving. It

stimulates digestion and curbs the appetite. Pink grapefruit tends to have a

more sweet, floral odor.


Antidepressant, Appetite Suppressant, Diuretic

Some Known Applications:

blood purifier, cellulite, herpes, high blood pressure, hot flashes, jet lag, mood swings, and stretch marks

                           Very few essential oils can be used directly on the skin. Below you will find some helpful way of using essential oils.

How to use Essential Oils


Bath - Dilute oils in honey, apple cider vinegar or aloe vera gel to keep oils from sitting on the surface of the water. Drizzle into a stream of hot water.

Applying to Skin - Most oils must be diluted in a carrier oil before coming in contact with the skin. Lavender, peppermint and cajeput are exceptions to this although you should discontinue use if irritation occurs. A safe dilution for most oils is one part oil, nine parts carrier oil or aloe vera gel.

Aroma Spray - Fill a 1 or 2 ounce glass spray bottle 2/3 with water, add approx. 1 tsp. aloe vera gel, and add several drops of your favorite essential oil or a combination of oils. Replace spray top and shake to blend.

Essential oils are for external use only!


Carrier Oils

Jojoba Oil - Excellent moisturizer; ideal for all skin types

Almond Oil - Softening and soothing to the skin, relieve irritation, inflammation and itching; ideal for all skin types

Olive Oil - Useful for dehydrated, sore and inflamed skin


No information in this auction listing should be construed as medical advice and is in no way intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical doctor. This information is for educational purposes only.


Some of the information in this listing may have been taken from Aromatherapy for Body, Mind, and Spirit by Larissa Jones, oil profiles information), and from other sources acquired over several years.