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This skin fits PSP 1000 Series ONLY!
Go to our STORE for other sizes.

    Money Back Guarantee!
    If for any reason you are not satisfied please contact us for a full refund or replacement!

  • These are high-quality breathable vinyl stick-ons/decals that will resemble a paint job, like those on race cars and hot rods.
  • Our skins are all made in the USA. Our materials are made in the USA and Japan.
  • Beware of those whose location is in China or location unknown, they do not use the same high-grade materials like we do and that is why they can offer you their cheap prices. Most disappear after a few weeks. We are the only ones who offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • They are thick enough to protect your system from most scratches.
  • Our skins do not void warranty because you are not replacing any parts.
  • Our skins protect your system, yet are thin enough to work with rubber and silicone outer covers.
  • Our covers are laser cut from thick high-grade breathable vinyl to fit with exact precision.
  • Will not tear (like paper) or leave any residue (like stickers) if you ever decide to remove it.
  • Makes your game system look completely renewed – no need to buy a whole new system!
  • Kids and adults alike will love it. Individualize yourself!
  • Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have.
  • This auction is not for a game or a game system.

Shipping rates for this item:

Packages usually shipped out within 1 business day
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