Tick Remover Tool
Tick Remover
Mechanical Tick Removing Tool
Removes Deer Ticks / Dog Ticks, Simple and Effective
Perfect for Camping, Fishing, Outdoors, Pets

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Tick Removing Tool

Ticks are bloodthirsty parasites that feed on a wide variety of mammals, including dogs and humans. Their bite is not dangerous, but they are known to carry pathogens, virii, bacteria, and diseases including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.

Because tick bites are painless, they may not be noticed until after the tick is attached. It's important to remove the tick as soon as possible after it is discovered. Studies in animals and humans have shown that the risk of Lyme disease transmission increases significantly after the tick has been attached for 24 hours, and is even higher after more than 48 hours.

This mechanical tick remover gets rid of ticks completely, safely, easily, and without touching the tick. It's the perfect tool for anyone who spends time outdoors - and effective on both humans and pets.

How Do I Use the Tick Remover?

  • Use your fingers to stabilize the area around the tick.
  • Press the button on the back of the tick remover to open the gripper.
  • Gently place the gripper over the tick and close it slowly.
  • Turn the remover slightly in both directions to loosen the tick.
  • After the tick has been loosened, pull upwards.
  • Make sure the tick remains in one piece.
  • Disinfect the area of the tick bite.


  • Easy to Use - Simple and Effective
  • Removes Ticks from Animals and Humans
  • Perfect for Camping, Fishing, Outdoors, Pets
  • Length: 3 ¾"

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