Kevin Owens T-Shirt Decal Set
2x Large Front Decal
2x Small Back Decal

-Cut out the design (closely)
-Place in Warm Water for between 5 and 10 seconds
Remove decal from water
You can use clean fingers or tweezers to separate decal from backing
Carefully place the decal where you need it to be. Smooth out with a damp paper towel if needed.
Allow to completely dry (I usually allow 12-24 hours)

You may wish to apply a protective coating, this helps the decal stand the test of time and play. (Clear nail polish works great)

(I use This Stuff)


$1.00 Worldwide Shipping

We Are Not affiliated or endorsed by any Wrestling, Entertainment, action figure, or MMA promotions. All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners, and we do not claim any type of ownership. These items are being sold to enhance your action figure and make them more 'screen accurate'

Hey all. I had to add Shipping Charges to tattoos/decals because too many people were opening cases saying they "didn't get them."

I was originally mailing these out in a regular stamped envelope, with me paying the stamp charge. Now, the items will go out with tracking, which costs like 5 times more than a stamp. In turn, I had to add the shipping charge, which is the actual cost of shipping through eBay ($2.60) with tracking.

Sorry I had to do this, but it is what it is.