Nature's Essence

Rene Caisse 4 herb tea blend

90g pack 
 (2 x 45g pack)

This Tea blend uses the exact same formula as the famous 'Essiac Tea' recipe by Rene Caisse and was based on the original Canadian Ojibwa Indians herbal mix.

This special herbal tea has powerful positive characteristics, it helps and supports the immune system and has a strong cleansing effect.

Canadian Essence Tea blend contains

- Organic -

Burdock root, Rhubarb root,

Sheep Sorrel Root & Slippery Elm bark.

(All ingredients have been finely chopped)

* Consult your doctor or nutritionist before use. This product is not a substitute for a healthy and varied diet.

Directions for Use & Dosage:

Take Canadian Essence Tea on an empty stomach either first thing in the morning or late at night.

The basic dose is 2 full tablespoons (30ml) of the brewed tea per day diluted in 30-60ml boiling water and you can build up slowly to the desired amount.

The maximum daily dose is 120ml, which should not be exceeded.

* Detailed preparation instructions are included.