(Black Tea with natural flavors)

Country of Origin: Sri Lanka

Region: Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula or Uva districts

Shipping Port: Colombo

Grade: OP (Orange Pekoe)

Altitude: 4800 - 7600 feet above sea level

Manufacture Type: Orthodox

Cup Characteristics: One-of-a-kind notes of sweetly astringent pomegranate are mellowed with sweet Madagascar vanilla. Incredible.

Infusion: Bright and Coppery.

Ingredients: Luxury black tea, Sunflower + Calendula petals, Safflower petals, Natural dried lemon pieces, Natural flavors.


The islanders of Madagascar have always known Pomegranates to be a special gift of creation. In their native tongue, Malagasy, they called it ampongabendanitra, or “the great drum of heaven.” Countless uses for the versatile fruit were discovered with no part ever wasted. From the leaves, they made ink, from the skin, treatments for stomach ailments, the bark was used as a vermifuge, (for ridding the body of parasites) and the fruit was used to make wine. An amazing fruit to be sure, and that’s before we consider the high antioxidant levels in the fresh fruit. So, it should come as no surprise that in 2005, when a list of “Superfruits” was coined by the food and beverage industry, Pomegranates featured prominently.

We’ve found another fantastic use for this amazing fruit – a sweet addition to our fabulous high grown Ceylon tea. What’s more, in homage to another tasty treat from Madagascar, we’ve blended it with the sultry essence of orchid vanilla. The resulting cup is outstanding – winey pomegranate notes on the nose; touches of astringent fruit and a velvety smooth vanilla finish. Thank the heavens for this one - we do!

What type of tea do we use, how do we flavor the tea and why do we use natural flavors?

Firstly... we only use high grown teas from the top 3 tea growing regions of Sri Lanka - Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula and Uva. These three high-grown districts produce flavorful teas that have classic ‘Ceylon’ tea character which is noted by floral bouquet and flavor notes, touches of mild astringency, bright coppery color and, most importantly - perfect for use as the base tea of our flavored teas. (We have tested teas from various other origins around the world as base stock for our flavored teas, but none of these teas made the grade.) Dimbula and the western estates of Nuwara Eliya have a major quality peak during Jan/Feb, whereas Uva and the eastern estates of Nuwara Eliya have their peak in July/Aug. This ‘dual peak period’ allow us to buy the best for our flavored tea blends several times during the year, ensuring top quality and freshness.

Secondly... we use flavoring oils not crystals to give the tea drinker an olfactory holiday before indulging in a liquid tea treat. Thirdly… we specify natural flavors. High quality tea tastes good and natural flavors do not mask the natural taste of the high grown Ceylon tea. (The norm for many making flavored tea is to use overpowering artificial flavors, which can be used to hide lower quality tea). Natural flavors do not leave an aftertaste giving the tea a clean and true character. It should be noted that natural flavors tend to be somewhat ‘soft ‘ and the flavors slightly muted, but for many this is a refreshing change and one of the desired attributes of our naturally flavored teas.

Hot tea brewing method: Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1 teaspoon of tea for each cup into the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste (the longer the steeping time the stronger the tea). Even though milk and a dash of sugar help enhance the flavor character on this tea, it is perfectly acceptable to consume this tea ‘straight-up’

Iced tea-brewing method: (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 6 teaspoons of tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water over the tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the tea into your serving pitcher straining the leaves. Add ice and top-up the pitcher with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste. [A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced tea is to double the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water]. Please note that this tea may tend to go cloudy or ‘milky’ when poured over ice; a perfectly normal characteristic of some high quality black teas and nothing to worry about!


Wholesale: We have special deal for wholesale and large order, please email us.

Payment should be made when the auction closed or listing end .We ship out order after receiving cleared payment. We require PayPal for payment.
We do combine shipping. Please contact us for possible shipping discount before paying if you purchase more than 1 item. The shipping weight includes packing material’s weight. The shipping charge include packing materials (some of tea need friable proof ).Shipment is made within one to two business days of receiving cleared payment except special notice. Shipment is mailed using USPS, First class, or Priority Mail,
We ship worldwide.

 We do our best to provide quick service. However, sometimes unforeseeable delays can occur. Severe weather, computer failures and other challenges can occasionally affect delivery times. It may take longer time (two weeks to four weeks) to ship products oversea, If your order is ever slightly delayed beyond our stated times it is most likely as a result of something beyond our control, Please feel free to contact us and we appreciate your understanding. Thank you for purchasing from us.


We love positive feedback, and we give positive feedback after each sale. We may not meet your expectations, please feel free address your issue .We'll do our best to solve it.

Notes for the tea: Tea is natural products. Some of them are produced by machines and some of them are produced by hands .The same name tea may taste different because the brand name, production time, different location (soil and weather), different manufactories and different grading systems. We work directly with vendors and try to limit the variation. We want you complete satisfied with products and service, Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and you are not satisfied. We’ll do our best.

Customer service: We want you complete satisfy with you purchase and we guarantee the products we sell. We will give refund if you are not happy with products. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will exchange the item or give you a refund; Shipping and handling charges are not refundable if it's not our error.