Pure 100% Natural Peanut Butter - Huge 1kg Tub

***Smooth OR Crunchy***

Pure Peanut Butter is exactly that - 100% Natural Peanuts, nothing added or taken away. We add ZERO salt, sugar or other ingredients to our peanut butter, just 100% whole roasted peanuts, crushed into a delicious nut butter that's both healthy and nutritious.

Key Facts

Pure Peanut Butter from Bodybuilding Warehouse is the UK's highest quality natural peanut butter. We don't add anything but 100% whole roasted peanuts, crushed into a delicious nut butter and available in ether Smooth, or Crunchy varieties to suit your personal taste. Our peanuts are roasted whole in their natural brown skins, before being ground down to a delicious butter. We add no salt, no sugar, no palm oil - in fact NOTHING, other than pure nutritious peanuts to make our delicious nut butter.

When can I have Pure Peanut Butter?

Anytime you like! Bodybuilding Warehouse Pure Peanut Butter can be added into shakes to increase the calorie value for those bulking, as a way of adding healthy fats and extra protein into their diet. It can also be used as a snack - for example a simple but healthy breakfast couple be 2 scoops of Bodybuilding Warehouse Performance Protein, 2 slices of brown toast with Pure Peanut Butter on, and a banana. Pure Peanut Butter is a natural, healthy food that can be used at anytime of day to add extra calories and healthy fats into your diet.

What are the benefits of Pure Peanut Butter?

Bodybuilding Warehouse Pure Peanut Butter is naturally packed full of vitamins, minerals and heart healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats. Mono and polyunsaturated fats that have been shown to help with everything from improving cardiovascular health, to body fat loss. The high protein and healthy fats within Bodybuilding Warehouse Pure Peanut Butter also have another benefit for those cutting or dieting - they keep you feeling full! As little as one teaspoon can reduce cravings, and you can make some brilliant snacks between meals that fit in perfectly into a typical cutting diet, for example:

The above snack would fit perfectly between meals, is packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats, and suits a cutting diet as much as a bulking one. To make it more of a bulking meal, simply increase the portion size (e.g. 2 apples, 2-3 tablespoons).


At Bodybuilding Warehouse we pride ourselves on quality. Our Pure Peanut Butter has been made here in the UK, using only 100% natural whole roasted (skin on) peanuts, with nothing added or taken away. It is quite simply, the highest quality peanut butter available. We source all our ingredients from approved, audited suppliers who meet our strict quality assurance standards, and work within our Principles. Try your first tub today and enjoy!

Nutritional Information Per 100g:

Also provides per 100g:

Allergen Information: