Vintage Porcelain Spice Rack Rubén Alpízar Arte en Casa Cuban Spanish Artwork

This is a 6 container spice rack.
The spice containers are porcelain, with a metal frame rack.

The spice jars contain art work by a piece of art by the Cuban artist Rubén Alpízar (Ruben Alpizar)
The jars are stamped with "Arte en Casa" on the bottom of them.
The names of the spices are in Spanish.

The spice rack measures 11.5" tall and 6" wide.

There are six spice jars. Three have lids, and three are shakers.

The spices are:
Sazonador - Seasoning [Jar with lid]
Laurel - Bay Leaves [Jar with lid]
Orégano - Oregano [Jar with lid]
Pimienta - Pepper [Shaker]
Canela - Cinnamon [Shaker]
Comino - Cumin [Shaker]

Please view photos for actual item.