This listing is for the Programming hardware key to program your ACA-E5 Amplifier from Russound.

NO Amplifier is included in this price, It is only the service to help find your key.

As we are all aware getting someone to program your System is expensive, And making changes costs more and more, With the key you can download the SCS-E5 software direct from Russound (Free Download) and then use it to connect to your unit.

This Key is the hardware key for the unit, Not the License key for the software, Since it is your unit, its your key, I liken it to a locksmith helping you re-code your car keys.

To get this key you will need to supply me with accurate Serial number and Mac address for your unit, You MUST supply both and they MUST be accurate, Once i have them i will send your key via email and ebay message.

I have done this process many times, and i repeat i am NOT in any way affiliated with Russound, I have simply worked out how they make the hardware keys for the units and built a program to de-cipher them.

Please note, these units are worth more if they are sold with the programming key, If you don't have the key they are pretty much useless, Having the key opens up sales to more people who would not pay someone to program and also Russound dealers usually wont work on second hand units, Especially ones purchased on ebay, They are all about protected Industry.

Feel free to ask any questions prior to purchasing.

If you are local to me in Brisbane Australia i am happy to come and do this in person and gather the needed info from your unit, Ill even show you how to use the software.

Thanks for looking.