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Mima and Oly Cuff Bracelet: Far Fetched Jewelry

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Item Information: Inscribed Alpaca cuff bracelets from Mima and Oly by Far Fetched, CA. " Created by hand, head, and heart." Far Fetched's Mima and Oly line (named after the owners two daughters) represents an affordable and accessible alternative to sterling silver by using an "alpaca" alloy of copper, zinc and nickel. Also known as "German Silver", alpaca pieces have a long history in jewelry fabrication used for its durability and silver appearance. These pieces are still designed by Far Fetched in Sebastopol, CA. and handmade by artisans under the fair trade federation. These pieces make for a perfect sentimental gift for anyone who enjoys unique whimsical jewelry. 

Your bracelet will come in a colorful organza bag!

**If your skin is sensitive to brass or copper, your skin may react to the brass inlay.