Plenty available.

A serial port virtual terminal application designed for Cisco network device training and support. A single 9.3MByte exe is delivered on its essential USB copyright protection dongle. Run the executable from the dongle or from a local hard drive. The application consists of 186,000 lines of source code. Your PC's COM: ports are automatically located, assigned and configured. A functioning console session is only one click away from  application start-up. Run up to 4 concurrent console sessions. Enjoy timeout suppression on all 4 sessions. Capture all 4 sessions automatically and continuously, no more having to log in, "yet again", and navigate back to where you were before the phone rang.  

Free updates for 2 years.

Capture is always "ON" with automatically chosen file names.View the capture file of any session anytime during a live session via a single click, that's right, as it happens. There are two capture files available, the normal one showing all activity and a short one, you got to see the short one to believe it. No truncated commands making capture files nest to useless. All commands sent with ^I for auto completion of every element of every line. Get "configure terminal" always, never "conf t". Change connection speed easily with a single click. Contains a sensible script file system. Build, edit and run scripts effortlessly, great for experimentation. Manage 917 scripts with ease. But if scripts are not your thing yet, no problem, you can ignore them and altogether if you wish. Then, if that's not enough, there is TESOM's very own "click navigation", wow, saves time and reduces key strokes, a must for heavy duty Cisco support . Click on items derived from full and partial help. They click into the command line via TESOM's very own "click command entry, "Automatic comments," makes looking back easier, a 50 device database lets you store your details of the regular devices that you manage. Integrate job sheets into your capture files. a cornucopia of technical surprises with many further delights in development as part of TESOM's upgrade programme. 

Create printed documentation with ease.

Marvel at Tesomiclick navigation and click command entry features. Far less typing needed, but you can ignore these features and type if you prefer. Put your talent into the techie stuff, not into correcting spelling mistakes in long command lines.

Repeat show commands continuously for data gathering. Lock your keyboard when away from your desk for your peace of mind.

Telnet sessions are available via the managed device's "connect" command. This allows only skilled and authenticated network professionals to reach or even ping remote systems. We don't empower idiots to ping your devices or networks.

Run in Basic Terminal mode and experience the no frills dumb terminal environment, just like the old days, edgy, problematic and hard work. You'll be glad to get back to Cisco Terminal mode where productivity is taken seriously.

TESOM feels like a graphical terminal in a text terminal world. Runs happily at 128,000 Baud but all the lower standard speeds are available. Even low end Cisco routers support this speed.

But I have not mentioned the inbuilt searchable command index, 100,000 commands with their help strings. I know, its too good to be true surely, well I kid you not!!! See for yourself, email me with a request for a sample search. See Cisco IOS commands in exploded view. It is impossible not to learn new things here even if your a CCIE. This is for serious network support staff and students of network management. If efficiency at the command line is important to you then TESOM is for you. Stop typing conf t all day. 

Ring support and talk to the programmer himself.

Made in Cardiff. Plenty more available only via

Tesom is designed to be easy to use. Its many features will soon become apparent. However for companies that wish to get the best out of TESOM quickly then note that on-site training is available. Buy it here on

TESOM can sound an audible alarm when network devices signal problems such as interface down. This would draw attention to a problem to others in a general office. The sound whilst audible will not disrupt your phone call. A suitable alarm can be bought here on