KarmaMood Maximum Strength St John's Wort Tablets

St John’s Wort extract 425mg. 30 & 60 tablets. (equivalent to 1490-2550mg of St John’s Wort) Precision formulated in Germany to pharmaceutical standard Traditionally used: To lift low mood To relieve symptoms of mild anxiety A traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve the symptoms of slightly low mood and mild anxiety, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy. Always read the label Click here to view the Patient Information Leaflet for this product, with full dosage, possible interactions and guidance notes. Herbal Medicines are regulated in the UK by the MHRA. Only buy from registered suppliers. Click here to see our official approval.

KarmaMood Maximum Strength St John's Wort Tablets

St John’s Wort extract 425mg. 30 & 60 tablets.

(equivalent to 1490-2550mg of St John’s Wort)

Precision formulated in Germany to pharmaceutical standard

Traditionally used:

  • To lift low mood
  • To relieve symptoms of mild anxiety


A traditional herbal medicinal product uséd to relieve the symptoms of slightly low mood and mild anxiety, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy. Always read the label


Herbal Medicines are regulated in the UK by the MHRA.  Only buy from registered suppliers.  THR23056/0007 THR 23056/0007 THR230560007 THR 230560007