➤ Product Name: Taiwan Oolong Tea/ Roasted Qingxin Oolong Tea 台灣 炭焙青心烏龍茶 

➤ Brand:  Wood-Roasted Tea House (軒典堂) 

➤ Description: Selected from premium Qingxin Oolong tea, roasted by roasting experts, so that an exotic caramel aroma can be added to the original mildly elegant fragrance with special roasting process.  (茶乾緊實渾圓,茶湯澄黃,茶香濃厚,帶有輕度烘焙過的火氣,口感滑順,喉韻十足。選用上等青心烏龍,經名家炭火烘焙,青心烏龍原有的淡雅芬芳再添一抹焦糖甘甜風味。如果說青心烏龍是高雅純潔的少女,那這款炭焙青心烏龍就是風韻十足的輕熟女。恰到好處的炭焙手法加深了青心烏龍的香氣及餘韻,更顯露出與眾不同的風采。) 

➤ Taste The wood-roasted tea without any artificial ingredient 

➤ Weight: 100g / 150g 

➤ Pack Way: A vacuum bag in a sealed bottle 

➤ Country of Region: Buy from Taiwan, ship from Taiwan 

➤ Product ID: B12EL01A/ B12EL01B 

Wood-Roasted Tea House - Charcoal baking Oolong experts

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