This is the Z-wave Wifi Flood Sensor,Compatible with z-wave 300 series and 500 series.
The water sensors is an intelligent security equipment that can tranmit the Z-wave network which have particular frequency,different countries or areas.the radio frequency of Z-wave main the Z-wave network communications.water sensor can send messages to the Z-wave main controller.the realize association with other devices through the Z wave network.In the communication with the Z-wave main controller.the water sensor can send messages to the Z-wave main controller.but it can not receive messages from the Z-wave main controller.When the water sensor is triggered.the LED light keeps and the the buzzer will make sound.the water sensor sends messages to the Z-wave main conttroller at the same time.the z-wave main controller will display the current status of water sensors.Water sensors is battery small and can be installed easily
Flood detection
Compatible with 300 series and 500 series
Battery specification:CR14250A*1
Standby Current:2 uA Max Current:32 mA
Battery Life:2 years
Operation Temperature: 0-40degree
Size(D*W*H):68mm x 68mm x 34mm
Radio Frequency: EU version:868.4MHz.
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