Blessed in Huazang Monastery, better used as gift for Health blessing or Altar items installment stuff.

[Bhaisajyaraja the Medicine Buddha]

Bhaishajyaguru means "Supreme Healer." This painting depicts Bhaishajyaguru in his characteristic blue color. Befittingly he is titled Lord of Lapis Lazuli, the stone whose color he adorns. It is believed that this precious gemstone was an important ingredient in the medications he prescribed. 

According to the Tibetan tradition, the Buddha emanated as Bhaishajyaguru, or Medicine Buddha, thousands of years ago. He established the Tibetan medical tradition in the form of texts known as The Four Tantras of Secret Instructions on the Eight Branches of the Essence of Immortality, which are more commonly referred to as Gyushi, "The Four Medical Tantras." 
