Miscellaneous Discourse

published by request

By John Foster

Including a rare piece of Washingtoniana:

A Discourse Delivered December 29, 1799;

Occasioned By the Melancholy Death of

George Washington,

 Lieutenant General And Commander in Chief

Of The Armies Of The United States Of America; 

Who Departed This Life, December 14, 1799.


....The father, the friend, and the deliverer of his country sleeps in the silent tomb!..Having previously signalized himself, both by his Courage and conduct, he was early invited to the supreme command in the revolutionary war. During that long and arduous struggle for liberty, he surmounted the most perplexing difficulties, outbraved the most formidable opposition, and with a degree of perseverance and address which astonished the world....

Boston: Samuel Hall, 1800. "Published at the request of the hearers." A rare Washington eulogy, first edition, with half-title and title. Other Foster sermons bound in as well  - one on Charles Winship, one for the Society for Propagating the Gospel to the Indians (missionaries); and more (about 12). But the Washington piece takes the cake and gets into details of Washington's life, in the speech and in some footnotes of interest. Evans #37848. Sabin #25236. 22 pp. Handsome leather binding is worn, hinges cracked but holding still, nice gilt decoration, pages toned, some foxing. Scarce.


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