Phormium Tenax

"New Zealand Flax"

These resilient plants are grown for their bold, sword shaped
leaves and striking foliage colors. They are well suited to a
variety of aspects, perfect for an Australian garden. Ideal for borders, dramatic foliage contrast & providing colour in the winter garden. Long lasting cut foliage plant,also suitable for containers and tubs.Grow in full sun in moist, well-drained soil. Frost hardy. Suitable for seaside gardens.

New Zealand Flax is rarely grown for its flowers, as it is the colorful foliage or striking form that is of primary interest. However, Flax will often flower in the garden in late spring or early summer, and are not only showy but also attract nectar seeking birds. The flowers on Phormium tenax are orange-red and held upright on a tall stalk above the foliage.

This packet contains 40seeds

Care and propagation notes Included.

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