Product description

Irish Spirulina Seaweed is a type of green algae that is popular as a supplement. Spirulina has numerous health benefits, It is loaded with nutrients that can have powerful effects on your body and brain. Spirulina seaweed (ulva lactuca) which is a green algae, is found naturally growing off the North Atlantic Irish Ocean.

Emerald Isle Seaweed Organic Spriulina Tablet (500mg) 90 capsules. Total of 45 grams of pure 100% Spirulina Ulva Lactuca seaweed in 90 capsules. Serving Size 1-3 tablet (HPMC capsule) Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Capsules can be opened and flakes sprinkled onto your food if desired. 

High in Magnesium(mg/kg) 26520

Spirulina is rich in Vitamins A, C, E and the B-complex vitamins. These vitamins are found in their natural form.

Spirulina is rich in natural minerals including Calcium, Iron and Magnesium and is also rich in proteins, including the essential amino acids.

Spirulina is high in calcium, iron, magnesium and is low in iodine which suits certain diets.

Spirulina has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the main active compound is Phocyanin . It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

We treat our seaweed in an entirely natural way, hand harvested, hand dried and chopped. No chemicals or any other substance are used in production

Nutritional Analysis per 100 grams

Fat (% of dry matter) 0.6 - 1.8

Protein (% of dry matter) 7.81 

Carbohydrates (% of dry matter) 48 

Vitamin C (ppm, ug/g) 122.81 

Calcium (mg/kg) 9400 

Iron (mg/kg) 103 

Magnesium (mg/kg) 26520 

Manganese (mg/kg) <1.0 

Sodium (mg/kg) 8.40 

Copper (mg/kg) 8.1 

Iodine (ppm, ug/g) 70 

B12 (ug) 10