Mitchell 1867 antique World map Australia Lake Torrens hook Cooks ocean tracks

Mitchell 1867 antique World map Australia Lake Torrens hook Cooks ocean tracks


Map of the World on the Mercator Projection Exhibiting the American Continent as its Center.

(Hawaii, Journeys of Captain Cook, Isle of Desolation, Iceland, Bay of Bengal, Volga River, Japan, Mozambique Channel).

Issued 1867, Philadelphia, by S. Augustus Mitchell.

Fine mid-19th century lithographed map with original hand color.

Decorative quality, set within a grape cluster floral border. Tracks of Capt. Cook's voyages shown across the oceans as well as tracks of USS Exp Ex. Within southern Australia Lake Torrens is shown with a short-lived mythical hook-shape. Center of Africa is "Unexplored Region" and below this is a giant "Inner Sea" connecting to Lake Nyassa. 

Original fold line as issued.

Sheet measures c.  15 3/8" H x  22 1/8" W.

Printed area measures c. 14 1/8" H x  18" W


Guaranteed authentic - old. 
We do not sell modern reprints.