TiVo Drive Kit
Series4 TCD748000

Record up to 300 HD HOURS!



This eBay acution is for a full WeaKnees TiVo Upgrade kit.

This hard drive will REPLACE your current TiVo hard drive and is perfect if you want more recording space or if you have (or suspect) a hard drive failure.

This kit will work ONLY in the exact TiVo model(s) [starting with TCD] specified above. If you have a different TiVo model, please look for our other auction or contact us.

If you have problems with your current drive, or just want more space, this is the kit for you.

Kit Includes:

  • Fully formatted and programmed 1TB hard drive made for DVRs (NOT a standafd desktop drive, which is what other eBay sellers commonly sell and which are not optimal for use in DVRs!).
  • Specific installation instructions for your exact TiVo model
  • Torx T10 and Torx T15 Tools
  • Kit ships in manufacturer approved hard drive packaging
  • Six month WeaKnees warranty


This kit comes with a 180-day warranty from WeaKnees.


Welcome to WeaKnees! We sell complete TiVo units with capacities of up to 5600 hours, as well as self-install TiVo upgrade kits that will add up to 5600 hours to TiVo's recording time. WeaKnees has been selling TiVo upgrade products since 2000 and our products have been featured in TIME Magazine, the New York Times, on TechTV, and in various other online and print media publications.

We receive countless email messages and phone calls from people who have purchased TiVo upgrade kits on eBay and have been burned. Sometimes, the drive is not loaded with the proper software. Other times, the software is corrupt, the instructions are wrong or the drive just doesn't work. We have heard reports of eBay sellers shipping drives using bubble wrap or styrofoam peanuts, all of which will reduce the life of your hard drive or destroy it completely. Weaknees is different... and here is why:

  • OUR WARRANTY POLICY IS THE BEST AROUND! Others offer a warranty only against "DOA" (dead on arrival). This is nice, but most hard drive problems occur in the first 6 months of use. If your drive was packaged improperly, damage may not surface for days or months, after which you'll be out of luck. With Weaknees, your drive is packaged properly and you're covered for a full 6 months after purchase. Just send the drive to us and test it and replace it for you.
  • WE ARE OBSESSED WITH CUSTOMER SERVICE! Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction, and we have hundreds of emails from customers who have been amazed at our dedication and loyalty to customers.
  • TOLL-FREE PHONE SUPPORT. WeaKnees is a real company, with a real warehouse and real employees who answer email and the phones. We have been in business for more than 15 years. This IS our "real job" and we're not going to disappear.
  • OUR EMAIL RESPONSE TIMES ARE ASTOUNDING! We answer email very quickly. Go ahead, put us to the test!
  • OUR INSTRUCTIONS ARE CLEAR AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND! We have refined our instructions over the years to ensure that our customers' upgrade experience is as easy as possible. We use non-technical language, pictures and diagrams. Our customers routinely email us to praise our detailed, "leave no stone unturned" instructions.
  • OUR INSTRUCTIONS ARE TAILORED TO YOUR UPGRADE! Our instructions are not "one size fits all." We have more than 20 different sets of TiVo upgrade instructions and we will send you the specific instructions for your specific upgrade. You will not be guessing as to whether a particular step applies to you or not.
  • WE ARE TIVO EXPERTS! We have been selling TiVo products (and ONLY TiVo products) since 2000. Our business is practically 100% TiVo--it is all we do. Have a TiVo question? Don't know what upgrade to purchase? We will give you our honest, expert answers, just as we have for the THOUSANDS of customers before you.
  • OUR DRIVES ARE PACKAGED PROPERLY! One of the most significant causes of drive failure is improper packaging. We use packaging specifically approved by hard drive manufacturers. We do NOT ship our drives in bubble wrap or peanuts. Instead, our approved packaging consists of solid foam forming a tight cushion around the hard drive. The drive packaging is expensive, but it helps ensure that your drive's life is not shortened by shipping damage.
  • WE WILL BE HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! While other upgraders have come and gone, we remain. Selling TiVos, TiVo upgrades, and TiVo parts and accessories is our business. We are obsessed with our reputation. If you have problems, we'll help.
  • OUR KITS COME WITH ALL OF THE PARTS YOU WILL NEED! Know what you are buying. Our kits come with everything that your TiVo upgrade requires. All kits come with two different Torx tools and instructions. In addition, if your kit requires it, we'll send cables, a bracket or any other part that is required.



Payment can be via PayPal.