Feng Shui Red Fish Chinese Water Color Hand Painting Paper Scroll Silk 37” 11.5”

In traditional Chinese culture, fish is the symbols of fertility and wealth. Fish images are also often to given as wedding gift as fish multiply rapidly and they often swim in pairs.

Auspicious & Fengshui Meaning

Chinese Fish Painting: In China, "fish(鱼)" and "surplus(余)" and "jade(玉)" are homonymic words (all sound "yu"), so fish represents affluence and abundance.

China artists often draw the auspicious fishes drawing as carp and goldfish, as "carp(鲤)" and "benefit(利)" are homonymic words in Chinese, and "gold(金)" represents weath, so they often relate to the business and symbolize the advantages and benefits in business.

Lotus Flower & Fish Fengshui Painting: represent that you live in affluence and every year may you always get more than you wish for.

This is a beautiful scroll, which can be hang on your living room or study room. Also a perfect gift to anyone whose has interest in the Chinese Cultural.

It’s absolutely beautiful! We do carry many more scrolls with Feng Shui, Bamboo, Plum Blossoms, and Chinese calligraphy writing.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. And remember to buy with confidence. Thank you.

Item 16