Original Signed Artist Rendition, Wood Darth Vader Helmet.

Price: $3,100.00

Shipping: Free Domestic Shipping 

Measurements: 10" Tall (front) 9" tall (back) X 9" wide (bottom) 6" wide (top) X 5.5" depth

Material: Basswood from a North American Linden tree

Weight: 2 lb 9 oz

Color: Dark grey black, with swirls of iridescent color 

* This is not a wearable mask, it is made of wood and designed to hang on a wall. It is not a licensed Star Wars Disney product. It is artwork. 

Please look closely at photos as we try to capture items honestly. 

Return Policy for this item:

-Buyer Pays return shipping and* insurance within 14 days 

- Must be shipped the same way as we ship it to you  *With tracking number and *insurance coverage (for $3,100)

- Refund will be given once item is received in the same condition as it was shipped. 

Thank You



"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

These were the opening words on movie screens across the country in 1977. That was the year that George Lucas first released episode IV, A New Hope that would forever change the way Space Opera fans would watch movies.

Besides seeing in the opening scene of Episode IV, C-3P0, R2-D2, a Protocol Droid, ready Rebel troopers, and storm troopers, we see none other than Darth Vader himself appear out of the smoke on the Tantive IV.  This smoke was generated from the storm troopers explosives being used to open the air tight ship's door, along with the exchange of laser gun fire with the ships Rebel soldiers. 

If we fast forward 6 years, from 1977 to 1983, at the end of The Return of the Jedi Episode VI, Luke returns to Endor and cremates his father Anakin's body on a funeral pyre. It is quite ironic that the first appearance of Darth Vader in episode IV and his last Appearance in episode VI is with him surrounded by fire and smoke.  

As we all eagerly anticipate to watch Episode VII, The Force Awakens, in December 2015 we see in the second trailer a melted helmet of Darth Vader. This deformed helmet, apparently due to the funeral pyre in The Return of the Jedi made its first appearance in the second trailer for Episode VII....

If you are a fan that enjoys Space Opera stories about galaxies far, far away and things that represent them, we have available this one of a kind artist rendition of the melted mask of Darth Vader from the 2nd Trailer of Episode VII The Force Awakens.

Though this is a replica (not the original one from the trailer) of the burned helmet there is not another one specifically like this one in the whole world. It is hand carved from Basswood, a North American Linden tree. This hand painted masterpiece is also made to hang on any flat wall surface.