Discover the most exciting tip to enter the snooker world in recent years!

‘Century Pro Cue Tips’ are scientifically manufactured to offer a consistent playing experience (unlike other premium tip brands) and are now used by many top professional snooker players including World Snooker Champions Mark Selby and Mark Williams!

Arguably, the tip is the most important part of your snooker cue, as it makes direct contact with the ball – so fitting the best performing tip is a no-brainer, if you are wanting to improve your game. Every Century Pro Cue Tip is scientifically guaranteed to provide a consistent playing experience, which is what makes them so special. In other words, if you buy a box of G1 soft tips, every tip in the box will give you the same soft feel and playing experience. This is a massive playing advantage!

We supply tips in boxes of four of the same grades, or in a special ‘Sample Box’, containing one of each grade, enabling players to easily discover which tip best suits their game.

Grades Available

Century Pro Cue Tips Features