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Hier folgende CD / Here following CD:


Erscheinungsdatum / Release date: 22.01.2016
Hinweis: Versand erfolgt ab o.g. Datum / Shipping from releasedate


Soloinstr. ohne Orchester

Beschreibung/Titel / Description/Tracks:


1 Carnaval vénitien: I. Florindo
2 Carnaval vénitien: II. Rosaura
3 Carnaval vénitien: III. Colombine
4 Carnaval vénitien: IV. Le signeur Arlequin
5 Le bal de la poupée: I. La valse de mademoiselle Lili
6 II. La polka de la poupée
7 Le quadrille des bébés incassables: I. Pantalon
8 Le quadrille des bébés incassables: II. Eté
9 III. Poule
10 Le quadrille des bébés incassables: IV. Pastourelle
11 Le quadrille des bébés incassables: V. Finale
12 La mazurka de monsieur Loulou
13 I. 1ére figure
14 Les lanciers de mademoiselle Ninette: II. 2ére figure
15 Les lanciers de mademoiselle Ninette: III. 3ére figure
16 IV. 4ére figure
17 Les lanciers de mademoiselle Ninette: V. 5ére figure
18 Sir Roger De Coverley
19 Galop abracadabrant
20 Bonne nuit, poupée! Petite berceuse
21 I. Sérénade Arabe
22 Le livre des sérénades: II. Sérénade Française
23 III. Sérénade Havanaise
24 IV. Sérénade Napolitaine
25 V. Sérénade Egyptienne
26 Le livre des sérénades: VI. Sérénade Anglaise
27 Le livre des sérénades: VII. Sérénade Indiénne
28 Le Livre Des Sérénades: VIII. Sérénade De Polichinelle
29 IX. Sérénade Mauresque
30 X. Sérénade Hongroise
31 XI. Sérénade Venitienne
32 XII. Sérénade Espagnole
33 XIII. Sérénade Allemande
34 Le livre des sérénades: XIV. Sérénade Russe
35 XV. Sérénade Chinoise


Giulio Ricordi (1840 1912) was the grandson of Giovanni, who founded the family firm of music publishers that bears his name to this day. Were it not for the successful efforts of Giulio in luring Verdi out of retirement to work with Arrigo Boito, we would not now have Otello and Falstaff; and had it not been for Ricordis careful management, the young and headstrong Puccini may have burnt out before writing the stream of lyric masterpieces which made his name and his fortune.

However, Ricordi was a dilettante musician of considerable gifts, as this album of his piano-duet music reveals, and as Verdi himself was prepared to recognise: When I look at the young people in my circle, Verdi wrote to Ghislanzoni, librettist of Aida, I can tell you that Giulio Ricordi is the one with the best knowledge of music. He published his music under the pseudonym of Burgmein, perhaps to circumvent accusations of a conflict of interest, from which small deception arose an extraordinary situation in which the aged Liszt wrote to Ricordi praising the music of Burgmein and asking after its composer: He is a master musician: ingenious, skilful, pleasant, elegant, distinguished, refined and expert.

Perhaps the scoring of these pieces indicates that Ricordi had one eye on the lucrative market for domestic consumption, but they are ingenious in effect and crafted for skilful performers: indeed, the final Chinese Serenade on the disc exploits harmonic partials on the piano by means of a then-novel pedal effect. There is also an exuberant Venetian Carnival suite, a Dolls Waltz and several other witty miniatures before the collection of 15 nationally coloured serenades. The booklet notes by Giancarlo Simonacci give full details of Ricordis life and work.

The name of Ricordi is best known as one of the most famous and prestigious music publishing houses of the world. Founded by his grandfather Giovanni, the firm gained great reputation under Giulio Ricordis leadership, notably by publishing Verdis operas. Giulio not only had a good nose for quality music and commerce, but he was also a composer himself. This CD presents his works for piano 4-hands, salon music of high quality, very much en vogue in that time. The titles of the pieces give a clear indication of the style: Carnaval vénitien, Le bal de la poupée, Le livre des Sérénades, Galop abracadabrant
Played with obvious enjoyment by the Duo Pianistico, Gabriella Morelli and Giancarlo Simonacci







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