  • Handcrafted gemstone trees fashioned with genuine gemstones & quartz crystals such as Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Quartz, Multi Color and more!.
  • Beautifully designed and realistic looking trunk with colored wire branches adorned with chips of genuine gemstone leaves.
  • Real semi precious gemstone used to make this gems tree, it will remove the negative energy from home or office, enhance luck, power, brings prosperity and generate positive energy and at home Very useful luck charm.
  • It is believed that this practice brings peace, prosperity and happiness in one's life. 
  • Care & Disclaimer : Color may vary due to photographic effects, Keep the item away from chemical

What is the meaning of feng shui crystal trees, what are they used for and which ones to choose for which feng shui purposes? Can I use  crystals in my feng shui gem tree?

Answer: Feng shui gem trees, also called feng shui crystal trees, are a popular cure in the traditional feng shui school applications.

First thing to notice is the use of specific crystals in a tree, as each gem tree will usually come with one type of crystals, thus defining its feng shui application.

There is a wide variety of feng shui gem trees on the market, from amethyst gem trees to agate and even pearl and coral trees. 
For example, citrine is a stone used for wealth and abundance purposes in feng shui, so a citrine tree will be used in the Wealth area, which is the Southeast area of your Bagua. A jade gem tree can be used for health in the East. A rose quartz is obviously for heart matters, love and romance, and is good in the Southwest area of the Bagua.

Sometimes you will come across a colorfully mixed gem tree, which is excellent for use in your Children and Creativity area.

 crystals are very pretty, but they do not have a strong feng shui energy because they have lead in them. Best feng shui gem trees are made from natural/untreated rock crystals.

As to the shape and number of crystals, the more crystals, the better! After all, the tree symbolizes stability and growth, as well as a long life, so the idea is that in time you get more and more of what you focus upon/the seed of your planted intent.

So, the visual of a feng shui gem tree is often one of abundance, like leaves on a tree, you will want to have the visual of too many to count crystals on your gem tree.
* An ideally molded gemstone tree.Feng Shui gemstone trees or Feng Shui crystal trees are used as a remedy for problems according to the Chinese traditions. Made up of natural rock crystals gem stone trees are known to ward off negative Energy from around you. The delicate natural rock crystals are appropriately attached to the wires that stand upright from a strong base in the shape of a Stone tree.

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