Product Name :  Shree Navgraha MahaYantra

Dimension :

Center Diameter : 4.5 inches

Dimension of yantra : 3.25 inches (Length) * 2 inches (Base) * 5.25 inches (height)

Weight : 540 gm (approx)

Description :

Navgrah Yantra exquisitely portrayed in center  It consists of nine yantra, each with a yantra representing one planet. It is extremely useful for worship to strengthen benevolent planets by increasing their positive influences and to pacify the malefic planets. with the Nine Planet Yantra framed on a crystal glass that allows magnified view .

Purpose: Negates malefic effects of the nine planets and bestows beneficial effects.It is recommended for all whose birth charts indicate negative positioning of planets within the horoscope that can afflict one’s health, prosperity and peace of mind.

Mantra: Om Suryaaye Namah, Om Chandraye Namah, Om Budhaye Namah, Om Brihaspataye Namah, Om Mangalye Namah, Om Shukraye Namah, Om Shanaye Namah, Om RahaVe Namah, Om KetaVe Namah, Om Navgarihaya Namah !!

Placement: Yantra energizes the location where it is installed. You may place it near the entrance of your home/office/shop or in your living room or reception or study room or office cabin. You may keep it on a table Yantra may be placed facing North or East direction. For meditation purposes,it is best to Install the Yantra in the North East direction of your dwelling.North-East is also called Eshaan corner and  recognized as the place of God. This direction is seen as highly charged place as it is the confluence of energies coming from the North magnetic pole and sun rays from East. The Yantra placed here gets charged with divine vibrations from universe and provides positive transformation energy/energies to the dwelling through its mystical geometry.