Natural Gemstone used are of standard Quality :-

1. Yellow sapphire

2. Blue sapphire

3. Hessonite (gomed)

4. Zircon (substitute for natural diamond)

5. Ruby

6. Emerald

7. Cat's eye

8. Coral

9. Pearl

Navratna Gemstone, as the name precisely suggests, holds an involvement of Navratna or the nine precious gems. The nine stones which go in to assemble this Gemstone are Ruby (Sun), Pearl (Moon), Red Coral (Mars), Emerald (Mercury), Yellow Sapphire (Jupiter), Diamond or zircon(Venus), Blue Sapphire (Saturn), Hessonite (Rahu) and Cat's Eye (Ketu). This Gemstone, besides being extremely distinct in its respective space, is exceptionally powerful and auspicious. As stated above, each of this stone has been associated along with an astrological planet. The planet which has been mentioned with each stone is believed to be particularly influential with the associated stone. With the help of a stone, the kind of impact which its associated planet is making on its host can be stimulated, intensified, or nullified, as according to the case. When these nine stones associated with the nine planets are put together to form a Navratna Gemstone, this Gemstone by itself gets equipped with the powers to be influential on all the astrological planets. This is perhaps the major influence hold by this Gemstone.