Axel Salto (1889-1961). Gold Plated Bronze Brooch.

Designed and crafted by Axel Salto (1889-1961).

Stamped with Salto.

9,2 x 4,5 cm. / 1,65 x 1,77 inches.

Weight 43 g.

Nice Vintage Condition.

Axel Salto was one of the most experimental and versatile artist personalities in 20th century Danish art. Axel Salto had both a concrete and a metaphysical relationship with nature and its occurrences. This is reflected in a richly faceted and highly productive work in many different media, primarily in painting, graphics and stoneware. It is characteristic that Salto increasingly left the painting in favor of the ceramic expression. Especially here, in the ceramic sculpture, his decorative sense and his serious search for the energy of the power, as well as his willingness to make visible the living process, were released. A kind of expressionism that was a mixture of something symbolic, classic, abstract and ornamental. He wanted to master the sovereign form and idea, expressed in a general-picturesque power-filled style with an emphasis on the interior construction and a solid structure with pure, monumental color tones. His ceramic art is divided into "the rifled", "the knotted" and "the budding style" based on a motivational and technical course of development. With the latter, he seriously introduced the growing, organic natural impulses into his ceramics. 

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