Memphis Minnie - American Blues Legend (CD)
Memphis Minnie - American Blues Legend (CD)

Bar Code: 0803415107728



1. Jockey Man Blues
2. You Can't Give It Away
3. Doctor Doctor Blues
4. Ice Man (Come On Up)
5. I'm A Gamblin' Woman
6. Moonshine
7. You Can't Rule Me
8. I've Ben Treated Wrong
9. Nothing In Rambling
10. In My Girlish Days
11. Me And My Chaffeur Blues
12. My Gage Is Going Up
13. Can't Afford To Lose My Man
14. Looking The World Over
15. When You Love Me
16. Please Set A Date
17. I'm So Glad
18. Killer Diller Blues
19. Three Times Seven Blues
20. Shout The Boogie

Versandkosten für CDs
  1-2 CDs 3-8 CDs
Deutschland 2,00 EUR 3,99 EUR
Europe 4,00 EUR 8,50 EUR
USA, Canada... EUR 6,50  Ask me

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