2 Bottles of
Tian Ma Gou Teng Wan (Tian Ma Gou Teng Pian, Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, Liver Windclear) is a famous Chinese herbal formula that calms the Liver, suppresses the strong Yang to stop Wind, and nourishes Yin to clear away Heat.


200 Tablets each


The standard dosage for Liver Windclear is 6 tabs taken 2 to 3 times daily with or before meals. One bottle lasts users 11 to 17 days. The dose may be doubled for a quicker and stronger response as needed (e. g., in an acute phase). Consult your practitioner for precise dosage recommendations based on body weight and other factors. Liver Windclear has a mild action and therefore it usually takes time before its effects become apparent. It may take one month or more before symptoms begin to improve. An initial course of treatment is suggested as 4 - 6 bottles taken at the full dose.

About Guang Ci Tang

Guang Ci Tang offers a full line of over 140 different Chinese herbal formulas, covering a large variety of health concerns. They range from the famous ancient remedies that address concerns related to disorders in Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood etc. to remedies that focus on modern concerns such as blood sugar and stress. Guang Ci Tang products are manufactured in a GMP certified facility and production strictly follows the principle of "authentic materials, traditional preparation, and scientific process". All herbs are extracted and concentrated. They contain no additives, artificial colors or sugar.

What is the formula composition?

A proprietary blend of

Abalone shell
(Shi Jue Ming)
"Uncaria rhynchophylla stem branch & hook"Uncaria rhynchophylla
Cyathula rootCyathula officinalis(Chuan Niu Xi)
Gastrodia rhizomeGastrodia elata(Tian Ma)
Gardenia fruitGardenia jasminoides(Zhi Zi)
Chinese skullcap rootScutellaria baicalensis(Huang Qin)
Eucommia stem barkEucommia ulmoides(Du Zhong)
Chinese motherwort aboveground partsLeonurus japonicus(Yi Mu Cao)
Loranthus twig and leafLoranthus parasiticus(Sang Ji Sheng)
Fo-ti stemPolygonum multiflorum(Ye Jiao Teng)
Poria sclerotiumPoria cocos(Fu Ling)
Other ingredients: corn starch (non-GMO), activated carbon, gelatin (pork).
We use as little fillers/binders as possible which together amounts to 14% of the tablet weight.