*New high quality elasticated replacement belt for air compressor

INSTALLATION TIP - VIDEO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bb2LdU-nPE

Before placing order I highly recommend to watch this short video which shows how to install a Husky air compressor belt. 
Please note that it might be tough to install on the pulleys but once it is properly fitted, it works like a pro.

  •  You have some Chinese compressor
  •  If your belt is PJ "Chinese standard" - thiner than given dimensions bellow (this is real PJ industry standard)
  •   You don`t know if you have demaged pulleys (sharp edges, worn edges, rust, pulleys not in straight line) bearings (demaged, loose)
  •   You don`t know how to handle with repairs
  •  You don`t have any mechanical pre-knowledge 

...if you are not this kind of a guy, it is safer for you to bring machine to the service department. If you are not sure this will work on your compressor you can expact that you will face with broken belt in first few working hours. Then b*t**es start to cry...save your time and money, order it elsewhere.

I work in power belt and bearing industry and I`m confident about PIX quality - sold lots of this belts with great positive feedbacks (REAL MEN) but few customers who's replacing it for the first time had concers about the belt lengh. Please note that dimension 373 is effective lenght (pitch) and elasticated belt have capability to stretch around 2-10%. I measure outside diameter for you so you can see that the new belt lengh is around 365mm because it is not pre-streched. If you compare your old vs. new belt, new one will normally be shorter. But when you will install it it will be just right.

So, dear friend - I`ll only accept orders from real men. Is that you? ...no problem, I do not care if I sell them less.

> PIX-PolyStretch ® XC <  Elasticated Belt (PJ)

Pitch:  2,34 mm /0,09"
Height: 3,8 mm  /0,15"
Angle:  40 degree
Ribs: 4

Metric size: 4 PJ 373