1/32 Grumman F4F-3
from Trumpeter

Static Model Kit: Assembly Required: Ships in 24 hours (M-F) 

Trumpeter's Highly Detail Large Scaled Wildcat Kit Features ......

Photo Etched Parts included

Film Parts    Instrument panel dial detail

Decals and Paint Guide for 2 Wildcats

Fossileyes' Factoids; The Bearcat concept began during a meeting between Battle of Midway veteran F4F Wildcat pilots and Grumman Vice President Jake Swirbul at Pearl Harbor on 23 June 1942. At the meeting, Lieutenant Commander Jimmie Thach emphasized one of the most important requirements in a good fighter plane was "climb rate". Climb performance is strongly related to the power-to-weight ratio, and is maximized by wrapping the smallest and lightest possible airframe around the most powerful available engine. Another goal was that the G-58 (Grumman's design designation for the aircraft) should be able to operate from escort carriers, which were then limited to the obsolescent F4F Wildcat as the Grumman F6F Hellcat was too large and heavy.