
Humer colds and flu

Nasal spray 
99.9% of viruses eliminated  
Helps the body eliminate them 
Protects and moisturizes the nasal mucosa 
From 1 year old
Suitable for pregnant women 


Humer Stop Virus is a nasal spray designed to act in the prevention of colds and flu by stopping viruses.

Humer Stop Virus Nasal Spray eliminates 99.99% of all viruses.


This nasal spray is to use:

if you have been or are exposed to cold or flu viruses (sick person around you, taking public transport, temperature variations ...), 
or at the first local symptoms of colds (scratching throat, sneezing, nose that stings, runny nose, ...).

How to use

2 to 3 sprays in each nostril. 

3 to 4 times a day. 

Space the applications every 4 hour.


INCI formula: Polyols (micro-tapering action), buffer system (acidic pH), benzalkonium chloride (preservative), mint flavor, water

Do not use in children under 1 year old. 
It is brought to the vigilance of parents that this product can cause tingling, it should be used with caution in young children. 
Respect the indicated dosage and do not exceed 7 days of treatment. 
Nasal use only. Rinse the tip after use. 
Keep out of reach of children. 
Read carefully the instructions before use.