Please be aware that some sellers are copying our product descriptions and services in an attempt to imitate our offerings. We pride ourselves on providing authentic, high-quality repairs and genuine parts for your gaming consoles. Our expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction set us apart from the rest. When you choose us, you are choosing the best and most reliable option for your repair needs. Don't be misled by imitations—trust the original and ensure your gaming experience is in expert hands.

Nintendo Game Boy Color IPS LCD Upgrade Service. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!  GameGears4You does more to refurbish and keep your beloved console's running than anyone.

  • New IPS LCD kit
  • Custom 3D brackets for new LCD kit
  • Capacitor replacement/refurbish
  • New speaker
  • Glass screen protective cover
  • Basic console maintenance/detail

Cost of service and return shipping is included in the price. You are responsible for shipping your Game Boy to us.