Oracle MK2 & MK3 Turntable Belt Upgrade 995mm Long Record Player Belt

"That innocuous looking piece of rubber has a far greater effect upon the sound of a turntable than most of us realise .....The Upgrade Belt ... is one of the most cost effective changes that I have made to this deck (LP12).....I suggest you buy one and try it. I am both amazed and impressed at the improvement it makes to the sound of my Sondek. HI FI WORLD MAGAZINE .

"This is an extraordinary product. I expected an audible but marginal change. Nothing prepared me for it's effect. It needed about an hour to get properly 'run in' - during which there was a transformation in the sound coming out of my speakers: 3D and in the room. Everything claimed in the recent email announcing this product was evident and the comments of the reviewers reflect exactly what I heard. I am quite astounded at the difference this product has made - and all for thirty quid. Don't think about it - just give yourself at treat." IAIN from customer review

The unique Origin Live Upgrade Belt is made from a special rubber far superior to that found in normal belts, providing a great opportunity to seriously upgrade the performance of your turntable. The dramatic performance increase derives from increased grip and less vibration transmitted into the platter.

It's easy to be skeptical that a seemingly insignificant item like a better turntable belt will dramatically improve the performance of your turntable. In fact most people who have tried the Origin Live upgrade belt started out not expecting much difference, only to be shocked by the improvement. The explanation for this phenomenon is hard to appreciate because we're not used to grappling with the colossal 8000X magnification delivered by the delicate movement of a stylus needle.

The turntable drive belt controls the level of unwanted vibration transmitted from your deck's motor, to the platter, then to the record where it finally feeds into your stylus. This chain directly influences your deck's performance. Upgrading your standard neoprene drive belt, to one of a superior rubber with textured surface finish has been proven to deliver results well beyond expectations.

This unique turntable drive belt works because it offers increased grip and reduces vibration transmission into your record. The dramatic improvements in performance over any official turntable drive belt has staggered users. 

Sometimes it is those seemingly insignificant areas of a system that can yield a surprising upgrade. The idea that a belt does no more than enable the motor to rotate the platter at a constant speed, is superficial - this is a case where ignorance is bliss. Lurking beneath the seeming simplicity of a belt drive there is a host of unrecognized problems and opportunities to improve matters. As an innovative manufacturer, it did not take long to realize that different belts had an inordinate influence on sound quality. We therefore invested considerable time auditioning countless belt materials, shapes, thicknesses and configurations.

For the record, exploration included
i) Round belts in various materials
ii) Flat belts in various materials
iii) Cotton thread
iv) Nylon thread
v) Video & audio tape
vi) Multiple numbers of belts ranging from 1 to 3.

The result of this work culminated in the discovery of a material not used in conventional belts. The results speak for themselves with any deck that uses a flat belt. The new belt, named the "Upgrade Belt" can also also be used with any Origin Live DC Motor Kit.

This upgrade belt comes with a cast iron guarantee - if not delighted we will refund your money.


Belt lengths are specified in mm using the circumference (i.e The TOTAL length of the belt)

If you require a specific length which Origin Live does not offer, please visit our website and search for upgrade belt.

These belts are flat and do not work on turntables with round belts unless they have an Origin Live motor kit fitted.

If your turntable model is not as listed above:

If your turntable model is slightly different from the one specified on this page you can measure the belt length you require and order the correct size using a link below.


There are over 1000 models of deck in the market place. Please assume that we do not know the details of your deck unless it's listed below. Rather, use the guidance below to order your belt.

Belt lengths are specified in mm using the circumference (i.e. The TOTAL length of the belt).

Note that these belts are flat and will not work on decks with round belts such as Rega, Michell, etc unless they have an Origin Live motor kit fitted. We do not offer round or square belts.

If your deck is not listed in the ordering section, you can select the closest length to what you require from the list below . To work out the length you need, use one of the following 2 methods.

Method 1

To measure the circumference you can take your existing belt and lay it flat against a ruler - measure the length and then double the measurement - this will give you the total length.

Be aware that your current belt may have stretched significantly over time if it's over 4 years old, in which case use method 2

Method 2

Alternatively you can use a length of thread or string looped round the sub-platter (or platter if belt runs on this) and pulley. This mimics the belt path - Measure the thread length to give the circumference of the belt and multiply this by 0.98

You multiply by 0.98 to ensure that the belt is 2% shorter than it's path length as it needs to stretch a little.

Upgrade Belts listed alphabetically by brand

Turntable Brand A – Z Belt Length
Turntable Belt Length Low – High
Alpheson Sonata 566mm
Rega (all) for Origin Live motor upgrade only 330mm
Ariston RD40* 531mm
Thorens TD135 344mm
Ariston RD11 522mm
Pink Triangle PT TOO with Origin Live motor pulley 417mm
Ariston RD80 SL 560mm
PT Export with Origin Live motor 424mm
Avondale Audio 526mm
Pink Triangle PT TOO 430mm
Funk Firm Sapphire 500mm
Pink Triangle Export 433mm
Heybrook TT2 441mm
Pink Triangle Little Pink Thing 438mm
Linn Axis 560mm
Heybrook TT2 441mm
Linn LP12 560mm
Oracle MK1 496mm
Linn LP12 Belt with Origin Live motor 553mm
Systemdek IIS 497mm
Kuzma Stabi 568mm
Systemdek IIX 497mm
Manticore Mantra 510mm
Thorens 320 Mk2 498mm
Micro Seiki RX-1500 1260mm
Funk Firm Sapphire 500mm
Micro Seiki RX-2000 1260mm
Thorens TD160HD 500mm
Oracle MK1 496mm
Manticore Mantra 510mm
Origin Live MK2 & MK3 995mm
Thorens 126 Mk2 510mm
Origin Live Classic MK2 940mm
Townsend Rock 7 517mm
Origin Live MK1 decks 560mm
Thorens TD125 520mm
Origin Live Voyager 1070mm
Ariston RD11 522mm
Origin Live Voyager-S 1070mm
Avondale Audio 526mm
Pink Triangle Export 433mm
STD 305 526mm
PT Export with Origin Live motor 424mm
Ariston RD40* 531mm
Pink Triangle PT TOO 430mm
Thorens TD160 542mm
Pink Triangle PT TOO with Origin Live motor pulley 417mm
Thorens TD160 Super 542mm
Pink Triangle Little Pink Thing 438mm
Thorens TD166 542mm
Pink Triangle Tarentella 955mm
Linn LP12 Belt with Origin Live motor 553mm
Rega (all) for Origin Live motor upgrade only 330mm
Roksan Xerses 10 557mm
Revolver 940mm
Ariston RD80 SL 560mm
Revolver with Origin Live DC motor 925mm
Linn Axis 560mm
Roksan Xerses 10 557mm
Linn LP12 560mm
Roksan TMS MK1 560mm
Origin Live MK1 decks 560mm
Roksan Xerses 562mm
Roksan TMS MK1 560mm
STD 305 526mm
Roksan Xerses 562mm
Systemdek IIS 497mm
Alpheson Sonata 566mm
Systemdek IIX 497mm
Kuzma Stabi 568mm
Transrota 648mm
Transrota 648mm
Thorens 126 Mk2 510mm
Voyd Reference 670mm
Thorens TD125 520mm
Townsend Rock if belt run on platter and motor is moved 914mm
Thorens TD135 344mm
Revolver with Origin Live DC motor 925mm
Thorens TD160 542mm
Origin Live Classic MK2 940mm
Thorens TD160HD 500mm
Revolver 940mm
Thorens TD160 Super 542mm
Pink Triangle Tarentella 955mm
Thorens TD166 542mm
Origin Live MK2 & MK3 995mm
Thorens 320 Mk2 498mm
Micro Seiki RX-1500 1260mm
Townsend Rock 7 517mm
Micro Seiki RX-2000 1260mm
Townsend Rock if belt run on platter and motor is moved 914mm
Origin Live Voyager 1070mm
Voyd Reference 670mm
Origin Live Voyager-S 1070mm