60g Mushroom Spawn for growing your own mushrooms at home. (Button mushrooms)

See our other listings for: Exotic Edibles Mushroom Spawn, Mushroom Kits and Mushroom Dowels  


Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Mushrooms can be grown throughout the year – in a cellar, cupboard, garage. In the autumn/winter mushrooms can even be grown in a greenhouse, as they don't need to have light excluded.

60g is sufficient to spawn 0.3m2. We offer discounts for multiple purchase.

Mushroom yield will be highest with a carefully selected mushroom compost made from straw, horse manure and a little gypsum, however, mushrooms can be grown on a variety of other substrates – plain straw (decomposed), partially-decomposed strawy farmyard manure (ideal), other carbon-rich wastes. Mushrooms can even be grown on the compost heap, although results will be variable. A mixture of horse or poultry manure and straw is preferred by mushroom growers, although most types of manure are suitable.

Comprehensive Growing Instructions provided via download.

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