6 x Niquitin Minis 4mg Mint Lozenges Pack Of 60 (Long Expiry)


Put one lozenge in your mouth and periodically move the lozenge from one side to the other. Use 8-12 lozenges each day, up to a maximum of 15. Continue use for up to 6 weeks while reducing the number of lozenge per day. Once daily use is 1-2 lozenges a day, try to stop using them altogether. 

If you are having difficulty discontinuing using lozenges or you are unable to reduce your cigarette consumption after 6 weeks, consult a healthcare professional.
NiQuitin Minis are to be used for the treatment of tobacco dependence by relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Permanent cessation of tobacco use is the eventual objective.NiQuitin Minis should preferably be used in conjunction with a behavioural support programme.     
Directions for use                      

The strength of lozenge to be used will depend on the smoking habits of the individual.
4 mg NiQuitin Minis are suitable for smokers who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day.
One lozenge should be placed in the mouth and allowed to dissolve. Periodically, the lozenge should be moved from one side of the mouth to the other, and repeated, until the lozenge is completely dissolved (approximately 10 minutes). The lozenge should not be chewed or swallowed whole.
Users should not eat or drink while a lozenge is in the mouth