N.B. We are not watchmakers we come across watches during the pursuit of other business interests.

This is a women's Longines stainless steel wristwatch. It has quite a new battery and is keeping good time. In very good condition. This measures approx'y 2.58cm without the winder and lug to lug approx'y 3.6cm. This has the original Longines band for the watch.   The dial is an offwhite with a small silver fleck.  When done up the outside circumference is with watch is approx'y 22cm.

AUSTRALIAN BUYERS: Postage and Handling is $30.00 registered and insured.   I accept either Bank deposit or PayPal from local buyers.
INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: Postage and Handling is $45.00 registered mail. I accept PayPal from International buyers.