When you describe your home sleeping pillow - softness, comfort and head support are probably your main concerns right? Well what if you could find an inflatable camping pillow that offered all of those same features, plus folds up into a pouch smaller than a coke can?

We present to you the Sirius Survival inflatable travel pillow, an ergonomically designed pillow for people on the go that love camping, hiking, backpacking or just in general sleeping under the stars.

Weighing in at only 2.8oz, and taking up a space smaller than a pop can, you easily fit this pillow in any travel bag, and can blow it up in under a minute with a few quick breaths. Never have to worry again about having access to your regular pillow or sleeping on a lumpy bag again!

Perfect for Any Position

No matter if you sleep on your sides or back, you can get full neck and back support with this pillow.

Super Easy to Inflate

With just a few quick breaths, you can fill this pillow to your liking, and deflating is just as easy.

Soft Comfortable Material

While this pillow is made of a durable elastic, it has a soft fabric cover on it that makes it easy to sleep on and prevents it from making a lot noise in the night when shifting.