Awaken Your Kundalini Energized and Blessed Mala Beads 108, Pink Peruvian Opal, Aqua Terra Jasper, Rose Quartz, Yoga Prayer Beads Knotted, Meditation, Love, Compassionate, Nurturing, 108 mala necklace, hindu yoga beads, aqua terra jasper, african opal, knotted necklace, yoga prayer beads, pink peruvian opal, mala beads 108, japa mala beads, spiritual necklace, boho beaded necklace, yoga mala 108, mantra meditation, AAA grade Opal Necklace Pink Opal Mala beads Necklace Opal Jewelry October Birthstone Dainty Necklace Love & Relationships Peace, Self care Love & Relationships, Inner Peace, Self-Healing, Trauma, Stress Relief, Anxiety Relief Sleep Pink Opal is powerful stone for healing the emotions, especially those connected with subconsciously held pain. ... Pink opal healing properties have a gentle frequency that help to calm and soothe your emotional body, clearing and calming the heart to bring a sense of love, peace and hope. The pink opal meaning is especially beneficial for sensitive people'loving people'who are in need of healing wounds of the heart. Pink opal healing properties have a gentle frequency that help to calm and soothe your emotional body, clearing and calming the heart to bring a sense of love, peace and hope. Peuvian Pink Opal is used to activate the Heart Chakra while also providing both centering and grounding. Pink Opal is a stone of renewal, reconnecting to the sacred relationship between Self and the Divine, the One, All that is. It is a very supportive and loving Guide in our journey of life. Pink Opal teaches love, acceptance and non judgment. Pink Opal primarily for promoting love, eroticism and passion in a relationship. It has a gentle energy and a very fine vibration so its effects are on behalf of self worth, loyalty, faithfulness, spontaneity and emotional stability. It is one of the premier stones for soothing the heart and can be very effective for children's insomnia or nightmares. It can be worn next to the heart or put under the pillow at night. Emotionally, creates very positive emotions and lightness of being. Helps PMS and childbirth. Can help strengthen the will to live, especially for those who have suffered traumatic stress. Opal is an emotional stone and reflects the mood of the wearer. It intensifies emotions and releases inhibitions. Encourages both freedom and independence. Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions. It stimulates originality and creativity. Helps to release anger and claim self-worth, aiding in accessing and expressing one’s true self. Opal is a stone of inspiration which enhances the imagination and creativity as well. It helps one release inhibitions and enhances the memory. Opal are known to strengthen the will to live. Linked to the heart, and told to stimulate the glands and regulate the metabolism. Opal has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, pouring a warm healing energy on broken hears and restoring harmony. Pink Opal is a very powerful crystal when it comes in contact with one’s heart. This stone activates and unlocks our heart chakra and imbues one’s aura with calming, tranquil vibrations. It's a perfect stone for someone to carry if they are struggling with any sadness, especially that of a broken heart. Pink Opal will serve your emotional body when it comes to a breakup, loss of a loved one, or even long distance relationships. This crystal pushes us to look within, and strengthen our connection to our inner self. By strengthening this connection, we become stronger as individuals. This teaches us that we don't have to lean on our loved ones as much, and can rely on just ourselves. Pink Opal gives a sense of individuality while showing just how strong you and your heart truly are. By turning inwards and beginning to work on yourself, emotional strain weighing on one's heart and mind begins to fade away. This Opal variety has also been referred to as a “stone of spiritual awakening”, due to the powerful vibrations it exhibits. It assists in self-healing of all levels and is here to rejuvenate your emotional body and aura. Pink Opal has been known to clean out one's heart space and push it into acceptance of whatever is weighing down on us. By being able to accept what has happened, only then can you move on and grow from it. Pink Opal is a great stone for any child who has anxieties, fear, or shyness holding them back from starting their life. This stone calms a child’s mind and offers up vibrations to open the child’s heart. Most young children are not aware that they’re hearts are closed off, and this crystal is here to open up their heart space to the beauty of life. We recommend even placing a piece under your child’s pillow if they are suffering from constant nightmares and night terrors. The calming effects that Pink Opal exhibits will directly connect to a young child’s mind, offering up protection in endless rays of love. Pink Opal works well when used with other heart stones such as Rose Quartz, and Garnet. Rose Quartz will help in the opening of the heart and provide an abundance of love, joy, self-healing, and happiness. Garnet will help provide the strength your heart and body needs to fully accept difficult situations and begin to move on from them. Garnet is here to push you in the right direction, and exhibit endless amounts of drive, focus, and determination. Opal is a wonderfully supportive stone, dedicated to healing and strengthening the emotional body for those willing to peer honestly into the true self. Opal’s high internal energy brings thoughts and feelings to the surface for examination, and reveals what one’s emotional state has been in the past, or even in previous lives. This amplification and cleansing process may be intense when first working with Opal, but over time teaches one to take responsibility for one’s feelings while clearing past wounds, fears and resentments. It facilitates the letting go of negative behaviors and soothes the emotional body, helping one feel more in control. It assists one in becoming more positive and loving, more creative and spontaneous. Known as a “stone of happy dreams and changes,” Opal brings happiness from the understanding that one has unlimited potential and is inherently perfect, and that change comes with situations and actions that allow one’s aspirations to rise. It is particularly useful for healing old emotional wounds, from this life or another, bringing an inner peace to carry one through difficult times. Andean stones promote right action for the highest good and stimulate connection with others and communication from the heart. They increases awareness of the need to heal the Earth, and are useful for those who manifest and transmute the changing vibration through their own body. Andean Opal is an excellent journeying stone, highly receptive, inducing a mild hypnotic state for enhancing divination and metaphysical gifts. These stones carry Water energy, and are great for activating the Heart and Throat Chakras.