Awaken Your Kundalini Energized & Blessed AAA EMPATH Mala 108 beads 8mm Black Golden Obsidian Necklace Protection Gemstone Meditation Mala Psychic Protection Mala Necklace Yoga Jewelry Prayer beads, Black Obsidian Mala Necklace, Golden Sheen Mala Necklace, Rainbow Obsidian Mala Necklace BLESSED & ENERGIZED RARE BLACK OBSIDIAN CUSTOM HAND KNOTTED (KNOTS BETWEEN EACH BEAD) JAPA JAAP MALA TOP QUALITY (108+1) BEADS. HINDU BUDDHIST PRAYER KARMA BEADS SUBHA ROSARY MALA FOR NIRVANA, BHAKTI, FOR REMOVING INNER DOSHAS, FOR CHANTING AUM OM, FOR AWAKENING CHAKRAS, KUNDALINI THROUGH YOGA MEDITATION EACH KNOT BETWEEN BEADS DONE BY RECITING MANTRAS WITH POSITIVE VIBES & ENERGY TO INFUSE MAXIMUM POWER. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT SLIGHT VARIATIONS IN SIZE, SHAPE, COLOR OF THE BEADS AND COLOR OF THE THREAD/STRING, TUSSEL DO OCCUR. Obsidian is the result of volcanic lava coming in contact with water. Often the lava pours into a lake or ocean and is cooled quickly. This process produces a glassy texture in the resulting rock. Iron and magnesium give the obsidian a dark green, brown or black colour. Obsidian has been used by ancient people as a cutting tool, for weapons, and for ceremonial purposes and is sometimes found by archaeologists in excavations. Obsidian has several varieties. Obsidian can contain small bubbles of air that are aligned along layers created as the molten rock was flowing just before being cooled. These bubbles can produce interesting effects such as a golden sheen, known as Gold Sheen Obsidian or a rainbow sheen called Rainbow Obsidian. Obsidian with a high iron content turns the stone a reddish brown and is known as Mahogany Obsidian. Inclusions of small, white, radially clustered crystals of cristobalite in the black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern producing Snowflake Obsidian. Small nuggets of obsidian that have been naturally rounded and smoothed by wind and water are called Apache Tears. Obsidian's gift to you is the insight into the causes of disease. It helps with digestion. It detoxifies, dissolving blockages and tension, including hardened arteries. It reduces the pain of arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries. Crystal water made from obsidian is useful for all types of shock. It can be used to reduce an enlarged prostrate. Shock sustained through injury is dissolved on a cellular level and it therefore helps staunch bleeding and accelerate the healing of wounds. Obsidian improves the circulation, even in extreme cases such as hardening of the arteries in the legs caused by smoking and also ensures warming of the extremities, for example chronically cold hands and feet. Obsidian helps you to understand who you truly are and not who you think you are, it will help to integrate these two perceptions into a whole. This stone helps you identify behavioural patterns that are outdated and assists in clearing them. Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas, bringing a depth and clarity to the emotions. It promotes compassion and strength. Obsidian dissolves shock and fear. It has an enlivening effect and brings hidden inner images to light. Obsidian bestows an unimagined depth, on your emotional nature and helps with any type of obsession. It purifies the atmosphere of negative spiritual influences and serves as a protection against psychic attacks. ​Obsidian is a strongly protective stone, forming a shield against emotional negativity. It grounds you to the earth through the base chakra and strengthens you in times of need. It is helpful to highly sensitive people​. It blocks psychic attack and removes negative spiritual influences. ​Place obsidian by your bed or under the pillow to draw out mental stress and tension, it may have a calming effect but it will also highlight the cause of the stress. The cause must be redressed before peace can return, this will resolve the problem permanently rather than just having a palliative effect. Obsidian expands the consciousness and helps change restricted beliefs, communication and behavioural patterns. It sharpens the senses and helps the intellect penetrate mysterious phenomena, experiences and accounts. Obsidian brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and restricted belief systems. It may do this by making it absolutely clear to you what lies behind the mental distress or disease. Once the confusion and belief systems have been cleared obsidian expands your consciousness and helps you enter the realm of the unknown with confidence and ease. ​​A large piece of obsidian can be extremely efficient at blocking geopathic stress or soaking up environmental pollution, but its tendency to expose the truth has to be taken into account. It is helpful for therapists and counsellors as it not only helps to get to the core of a problem, but it also clears the negative energies that are released. ​Obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations. It works extremely fast and with great power. Its truth enhancing, reflective qualities are merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses and blockages. Nothing can be hidden from obsidian. It points out how to relieve all destructive conditions. Obsidian urges you to grow and lend solid support to others while you work toward a goal. It can bring unpleasant truths to the surface which will then enable you to examine them and then bring in love and acceptance. ​Obsidian provides deep soul healing. It can facilitate going back into the past and heal festering emotions or trauma that is still there in the present. Obsidian helps you achieve integrity through helping you to see the shadow side in your true nature, so you can once more become whole. This stone shows how to achieve freedom and spiritual invulnerability. it will show you capabilities and strengths that have been forgotten, so that they can be retrieved and refined to the point of clairvoyance. ​Obsidian vitalises the purpose of the soul. It eliminates energy blocks and relieves tension. Obsidian anchors the spirit into the body. This stone stimulates growth on all levels. It urges you to explore the unknown there by opening up new horizons for you to explore. Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophesy. The vibration of the stone may aid you to contact your spirit guide, as they have a powerful action to aid spiritual communication. They are excellent grounding stones, and their energy works by helping you to move any excess energy down via the earth star chakra to Mother Gaia for grounding. Their resonance within the base or root chakra is very strong, and they have a powerful vibration that aids you to ground yourself. For many centuries they have been used successfully by crystals gazers and shamans to make contact with the spirit world. The properties of Black Obsidian stone makes them very helpful to have in your collection. They are a strong psychic protection stone, and will benefit you by shielding you from all negativity. This makes them very helpful stones to keep within your auric field. They are especially beneficial if you are doing any type of work involving contact with the spirit world as they are highly protective. The vibration of this stone may resonate within the third eye chakra and has a strong vibration to aid the receiving of answers to questions. This may be particularly related to healing your ancestral line. Their energy may aid you to deal with issues relating to past misuse of power. It is easy to buy Black Obsidian Stone and it may be helpful to have in your collection as it is an excellent crystal to aid past life healing. Black Obsidian Stone is also an excellent aid to help you to release any negativity that your day to day life may have caused. This negativity may be present within your auric field and needs to be removed, to aid your ongoing physical, emotional and spiritual health. They are potent healing crystals for you to add to your collection for a number of reasons especially when you take a look at their excellent healing properties. These stones have a strong healing energy, and are known to aid the release of addictions, eating disorders, negative behaviors and emotional blockages. They are an excellent healing stone on many levels and may particularly aid health issues based in past lives, that may be holding you back in your current life. They are known to be used by healers to aid hardening of the arteries, joint pain, including arthritis and cramps, and circulation problems. One of the Obsidian meanings that you need to remember is that if you are using this black crystal to do spiritual work on yourself, you may release past problems. This includes emotions such as fear, anger, stress and resentment of others. Once you have released these negative emotions you can move forward. As they may also aid you to discover the spiritual aspects of unconditional love, you can use this energy to make your life better in many ways. GOLD SHEEN Gold sheen obsidian can be helpful in digestive disorders, ,ulcers, reflux and similar issues of the stomach. It helps clear, energise and balance the solar plexus and sacral chakras. It can be helpful for men with issues of impotence due to stress. Gold sheen obsidian keeps the physical body prepared for energetic focus and reflection. With this stone in hand, accept the gift of health and release old memories that interfere with your ability to be healthy. Use this stone while going through a physical cleansing process. Gold sheen obsidian can help you feel more capable of creating and directing your life. It is ideal for enhancing your direction and clarity of purpose. This stone helps you in clearing issues if the Will. It is an excellent stone for perpetrators and victims of abuse who wish to clear all aspects of power abuse from their energetic systems. It is a powerful stone for exposing ego motivations and assisting you in realigning your power and actions with the Divine Will. Gold sheen obsidian assists in balancing and healing abuse from the past that is still being carried around in your emotional body. Concentrate on this stone and with a positive intention awaken your memories and think about how these memories are currently affecting your life. Acknowledge repetitive patterns, and make a clear decision to remove the obstacles that keep these patterns in motion. Use gold sheen obsidian to sharpen your mental aptitude so you can enter deeper meditative states and tap into the higher forces for the good of your community. With focus, you can also use this stone to deflect dark forces from interfering with the higher good. Many people have issues around reclaiming their personal power and using it for the Higher Good, Gold sheen obsidian helps you in this journey and allows you to become more conscious of the way in which you use or misuse power. It can help in aligning your will with Divine intent and connecting to the power of the Earth for healing purposes. Use this stone to achieve grounded interaction with the earth while connecting with the cosmic forces of the universe. Gold sheen obsidian will help keep you safe from unwanted psychic influences, removing the hooks of negativity from your energy field. HELPFUL INFORMATION What is a Mala? A Mala is a string of beads used to count mantras (Sanskrit prayers) in sets of 108 repetitions. What is Mantra? A mantra is a word or series of words chanted aloud or silently to invoke spiritual qualities. Chanting is used as a spiritual tool in virtually every cultural and religious tradition. In the yogic tradition a mantra is a Sanskrit word that has special powers to transform consciousness, promote healing or fulfill desires.The practice of chanting a mantra is used as a form of meditation. Sitting in a comfortable position, with the eyes closed, the mantra is repeated silently or aloud. The mind is focused on the mantra, the thoughts are let go of and the breath is slow and deep. What is Japa? Malas are used for keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra or the name or names of a deity. This practice is known in Sanskrit as Japa. A Japa Mala or Prayer Mala or Meditation Mala (meaning garland) is a set of beads commonly used by Hindus and Buddhists, usually made from 108 beads, though other numbers, usually divisible by 9, are also used. When Mantras are repeated on beads of Mala, it is called Japa and the mala is called Japa Mala. Malas are typically made with 19, 21, 27, 54 or 108 beads. In Tibetan Buddhism, traditionally Malas of 108 beads are used. Some practitioners use Malas of 21 or 28 beads for doing prostrations. Doing one 108-bead Mala counts as 100 mantra recitations, the extra repetitions done to amend any mistakes in pronunciation or other faults of recitation. Malas are mainly used to count mantras. These mantras can be recited for different purposes linked to working with mind. The material used to make the beads can vary according to the purpose of the mantras used. Some beads can be used for all purposes and all kinds of mantras. The distinctive Japa or Meditation Mala consists of 108 individually knotted beads. A single guru bead is attached to the threaded tassel. Prayer beads are an indispensable tool for meditation. Each bead is used to count the repetition of a mantra or chant. The number 108 bears spiritual significance across several religions. When a mantra is repeated 108 times, the person meditating is connecting with the spirit of the universe, paying respects in deep humility to that which pervades all life. A personal Mala is a wonderful accessory to meditation, which when used regularly with a personal mantra, absorbs the vibrations of the practice. It becomes like a close friend or a comfortable piece of clothing. The Japa or Meditation or Prayer Mala, when worn also acts as a talisman and maintains a positive flow of energy throughout the body. Moreover, now a days bead therapy is very common and many people have been benefited by this. Doing one 108-bead Mala counts as 100 mantra recitations, the extra repetitions done to amend any mistakes in pronunciation or other faults of recitation. These mantras can be recited for different purposes linked to working with mind. The material used to make the beads can vary according to the purpose of the mantras used. Some beads can be used for all purposes and all kinds of mantras. To Empower the Mala and the Mantra used, Japa (mantra meditation) should be practiced each day for 40 continuous days. When the Mala becomes empowered, it can be worn or lightly placed on oneself or others to transmit the energy of the Mantra as well as the energetic qualities of the Mala. When you use a new Mantra with a Mala, this energy becomes replaced, so it is recommended to use a new Mala with each mantra if possible. When not in use, store your Mala in a special, clean and preferably sacred space. The best place to store a Mala is on a personal alter or statue of a deity. How to Use a Mala? Hold your Mala in your right hand and use your thumb to “count” each mantra by touching the bead during the recitation and then lightly pushing the bead away on completion and moving to the next bead. The index finger is extended and should not touch the mala. The large meru (mountain) bead should not be counted or touched by the thumb and is used as a starting and ending point of the recitation. If you have a wrist mala of 27 beads you will need to repeat this 3 more times. Continue by pulling the beads and going backwards until you again end at the meru and continue until you have done 108 repetitions, or multiples of 108. It is not necessary that Mala can only be used for Meditation. It can also be worn as a Necklace to Attract Positive Vibes (all Malas) and bring Medical Benefits (in some cases like AGATE, Turmeric or Haldi mala). Please check our other Items GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS!