PCsGC Telestrat


This telestrat in the video is different, but has the same tone options as this one.

Strat head and Tele body this time, where mostly I make them the other way round.

The neck single coil is hot! I like to remove the chrome screen as it numbs the tone and costs some signal strength, and with it off I can lift the pickup closer to the strings; so the tone at that end is everything I want... now with a new Alnico V humbucker at the bridge I have today re shimmed the neck to change the string heights over the two pickups; bring them lower over the bridge humbucker to boost it; because of that I can now lift the neck single coil higher under the strings to balance them both... and the tone of both played together is a funky strat type sound you get on the strat's five position switch in positions 2 and 4, but here on this telestrat has its own special quality.

The body had a white scratchplate and the black one I have fitted was sprayed with satin lacquer after I wrote my bit on it.

I fitted white felt washers to the strap buttons for a touch of class.

The pickup selector was forward for the bridge pup and rearward for the neck end! it is now the right way round as you would probably want to find it.

I fanned out the tuners that I had sorted for the neck... a bit fiddly as they are the type with two location pegs that push into holes in the head wood.

The truss rod is a modern double acting type.

The strings you see on it are a set of Fender elevens that give a good strum or country tone; or as good for heavy metal too I guess; which with the bridge humbucker tone being perfect for metal you can play that in a gig with some country covers thrown in to ring the changes!
Just an idea!

Thanks for having a look at this fairly unusual telestrat guitar, and if you read right through and made sense of my long description, go on Amazon and find my new novel of travels, music and romance "Virginia to Greece" out on paperback and kindle.

Mark Phillips.......

ps. My travel adventure romance novel Virginia to Greece mentioned above, is out on Amazon now... as is my cat journey story Bobcat's Big Adventure for animal lovers.