Product Features:

1 x unique, handmade pyramid

Size: 45 – 50 mm one side at base (Approx. 2″ inches)

Height: 35 – 40 mm (Approx. 1.5″ inches)

Crystals: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz

Additional materials: Rasin, Copper wire, Brass shavings

This is a powerful and beautiful Orgone Pyramid with Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz Crystal Point. Vibrationally strengthened by copper and rasin, this unique pyramid can bring loving, healing and harmonizing energies to your home, your office, or your meditation altar. You can also use it for your meditations, or any other harmonizing ritual. This powerhouse of healing energy can be the perfect gift for your loved ones or friends.


Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is known as the love stone. It helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love. Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. It is also the stone of love in marriage. When worn in jewelry the wearer feels a sense of self-worth. Your marriage can have more sparkle and fire when you keep a rose quartz under your pillow. You will look younger too. Rose Quartz has a gentle vibration of love for the owner. It gives inner peace and helps in all matters pertaining to love in all its forms. Rose Quartz opens the heart to love. It also helps as a rejuvenator to the skin. It is a lovely stone for a young person. It is said washing the face in water charged by rose quartz will help fade wrinkles and keep the skin young. One of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love – love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. Because it is a type of quartz, Rose Quartz does have a high energy, but its vibe is also calming and soothing. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. Lowering stress and tension in the heart, Rose Quartz clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and dis-ease associated with holding on to such negative emotions. Known as a romance stone, Rose Quartz can be used to attract love. Put a piece of Rose Quartz on your bedside table, or in the relationship corner of a room or home to attract new love or to add trust and re-commitment to existing relationships. Rose Quartz adds loving energy to relationships, bringing calm and peace. The comforting and soothing energy of Rose Quartz can also help heal a broken heart, allowing the release of pent-up emotions and grief. Rose Quartz also helps release unexpressed feelings about others. Physically, Rose Quartz is used to heal ailments of the thymus, heart, and lungs. Rose Quartz is also known to help heal breast cancer and is an excellent support stone for most other types of cancer as well. Rose Quartz helps bring about a more youthful complexion; aides in circulatory, heart, adrenal gland, spleen and kidney ailments; alleviates vertigo, asthma and varicose veins; eases problems with sexual frustration and balances the sex drive.


Pyramid Overview


The pyramid is one of the most powerful geometric shapes and structures. It is considered sacral by many cultures and healers. All the pyramids in crystal healing therapy, including orgonite pyramids, serve multiple purposes. On one hand, they reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic field and radiation of devices, such as Wi-Fi routers, TV’s, PC’s, Smartphones, etc. On the other hand, they function as positive energy amplifiers and manifestation aid for your intents, for instance, luck, health, success, wealth, love, etc.




The main aim is to bring harmony in all aspects of your life. A pyramid functions as a transmitter for directing intention. By charging the pyramid up with a thought-form or intention, it will be manifested much faster. Crystal pyramids can be made from almost every type of crystal, and their use is very wide, and what is even more important, the impact is much stronger! The geometric shape of a pyramid symbolizes harmony, divine structure, and order, the consciousness of unity and oneness, unconditional love, to which every single soul is aiming at. A crystal, being an energetic amplifier, is intensified with the properties of a pyramid. In other words, the pyramid structure turns a simple crystal into an extraordinary antenna which facilitates the communication with the Universe, allowing you to receive and send the energy, prayers, thoughts, and intentions. It also helps to connect with the Higher Self, angels, and other spiritual beings. It has been discovered that a pyramid regenerates the natural flow of positive energy circulation in the body and aura, strengthens the power of intention and harmonizes the environment. It provides energy that nurtures the mind, body, and soul, bringing the body, meridians, and chakras back into alignment, as well as smoothly rises your natural frequency. Having pyramids around you, not only promotes natural health and balance, it enhances concentration, visualization, spiritual awareness, intuition, and psychic abilities. Once you will have your house or office set up with various crystal and orgonite devices, you will start to notice all kinds of positive differences, for instance, you will become less irritated, have fewer headaches, and be more light-hearted, harmonized and joyful.