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This package contains are uniforms. Honor the heroes that served in the Second Tevarin War by wearing a replica Navy Service uniform from the early 2600s. Historically accurate down to every last stitch, period appropriate materials were used to ensure it matches military specifications of the era.
SECOND TEVARIN WAR SERVICE UNIFORM: The blue Service Jacket has a white and red stripe across the right shoulder and arm, and the blue Service Trousers have red piping along the side seam. The blue Service uniform was worn when on duty, whether in the office or aboard a ship. This uniform is most often associated with the brave starmen who defended the empire during the Second Tevarin War and is a common sight in spectrum vids centered around the conflict.

SECOND TEVARIN WAR RED DRESS UNIFORM: Similar in style to the White Dress uniform, the Red Dress uniform was considered a mess dress, or semi-formal, uniform and worn to official functions where civilians would wear black tie.

SECOND TEVARIN WAR WHITE DRESS UNIFORM: The uniform consists of a white Dress Jacket with a sash adorned with metals and matching white Dress Trousers. The White Dress uniform was the Navy’s most formal uniform of the era and reserved for official ceremonies and parades.

  • You must own a copy of Star Citizen to obtain this digital item. The gifting system requires direct delivery from account to account (e-transfer). Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on the RSI website and is available at any time upon request. Please also note you must already have an RSI account in order to claim this item.
  • In order to complete and verify the transfer, your RSI handle and Email address is required. Please type it in "note to seller" when purchasing.
  • If you do not specify an email, your purchase will be sent to the internal email address of your Ebay account.
  • You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about the "gift" and signing in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about the "gift" as it can only be transferred once.
  • Item(s) will be delivered within 24 hours (usually much faster) after payment is cleared. No returns or refund are available as the gifting system only allow 1 time gifting upon which time it will be account bound to the buyer's account.
  • Your payment will immediately be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason.
  • If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on the RSI website and is avliable at any time upon request. As such it will be used as a proof of delivery.
  • Once transfer of the item is complete, it will become account bound to the receiver's account and non transferable to any other account (until policy otherwise changed by CIG).

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