DOG CALMING FOOD - this specially formulated dog food is great help for dog anxiety relief. This nutritional healthy food helps restore and maintain stability and harmony in dogs

NATURAL CALMING CARE FOR DOGS - natural ingredients with valerian root are the perfect combination for a calm dog. This dog anxiety food is a great solution for your hyper dog

ANXIETY FOOD FOR DOGS - made with real wild anchovies and relaxing herbs and plants for a natural calming chews for dogs. This helps reduce anxiety for dogs

DOG FOOD ANXIETY RELIEF - vet recommended food that helps your dog with stress, barking and when agitated. This calm dog food works very well and will sooth your dog

ANXIETY RELIEF FOR DOGS - this dry food dog is a treat or supplement for dog calming chews and helps keep your dog calm even when there is thunder outside

NATURAL FORMULA ANXIETY RELIEF FOR DOGS - this dog calm food is made with natural plant extracts that help your dog with anxious, aggressive or nervous behavior

SOOTHING DOG CALMING FOOD - our fish flavored dry dog food relieves your dog of stress or anxiety using natural ingredients like linden flower, pomegranate, valerian root, l-tryptophan and tea extract

DRY DOG ANXIETY RELIEF FOOD - our natural calming treats for dogs with anxiety is a very good dog stress relief alternative  that alleviates dog separation anxiety, weather related woes, fireworks or other nervous behaviors

YOUR DOG WILL LOVE THE TASTE - this single source protein food can be given as calming dog chews to help keep your pet calm and reduce scratching, paw licking and salivating

HELPS WITH HYPERACTIVE DOGS AND AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR - our premium recipe contains tea extract that works a relaxant and can help improve concentration for dogs that display hyper active behavior