-------   Universal Foam Sheet   -------

A foam replacement is necessary on most of the old cameras. Even the minty ones.
The foam degrade over time and it can result on damages mecanisms and leaks of light on the film if they are not replaced.

We have precut foam kits available for dozens of cameras. If yours is available, we are recomanding you to use a precut kit. The process of remplacing the foam will be a lot easier.
Just look in our store or write "Premium light seal foam" and the model of your camera on the ebay search engine.

If a precut kit is not available, you will have to do it yourself and you will find here all the material you need.


Composition of our premium foam sheet

A regular camera have usually 3 to 10 pieces of foam.

Each piece serve a different mecanical purpose and we are using about 10 different type of foam to make our precut kit as perfect as possible (The thickness and the density of the foam have to be personnalised to every pieces of every camera).

However, 4 types of foam cover 95% of the needs and are good enough for the few pieces that don't match perfectly. That's what we are offering you here.

Every foam sheet is delivered with 1 Instructions manual with our best practices and tips.

Description of the different foams types

- 1mm High Density : This foam is needed for some mirror pieces.
- 1,5mm Medium Density : This is the most universal foam. It will rarely do the entire job perfectly but it's often good enough if you want to go as cheap as possible with just 1 type of foam. Be carefull, some cameras really requier different thickness of foam.
- 2mm Low Density : This foam is usually required for the miror foam. It's to fragile to be used in the back of the camera and will degrade rapidly if used that way.
- 3mm Medium Density : Used for the film window and some door and viewfinder pieces.

Each sheet of foam is about 18x5cm. It's enought to make 1 to 2 cameras



  • All of our foam sheet are made with the highest foam quality on the market.
  • All of our foam are self adhesive for a perfect finish. We use the best 3M adhesive availlable. You have to be a bit careful when using it because it's really strong but it give the best result.
  • We use the exact same foam here in our shop when we replace the foam on our client's camera