Goebel Hummel (#63) Singing Lessons, TMK-3, Germany.  It is in excellent vintage condition.

First designed by master sculptor Arthur Moeller in 1937. It was once called Duet and later Critic.

Berta Hummel was born in Bavaria in 1909 with a wonderful gift – an instinct for perceiving her world and translating her observations into drawings. She grew up in the market town of Massing, one of six children in a close-knit family that encouraged her artistic talent. As a school child, Berta was filled with high spirits, imagination and a soaring sense of creativity. She loved nothing more than to impress friends and family with quick, deft sketches of flowers and trees, houses and people, and the busy life she saw around her. Berta’s ability blossomed, and it was clear she would benefit from advanced artistic training.

The result: true innovation. M.I. Hummel children were as mischievous as your little brother, cute as the tot next door. They were rascals, like the real kids you remembered from your own childhood, their charm based on simple honesty.